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The role of protein in the process of losing weight: how much and when to eat

In this article:
Why is protein important in weight loss?
Popular protein diets for weight loss
How much protein is needed for weight loss?
How does protein control appetite?
How to lose weight on protein diets without harming your health?
The role of protein in the process of losing weight: how much and when to eat

Proteins (proteins) are essential substances for the body.It is the plastic material from which all organs and, first of all, muscles are “built” - it is not without reason that athletes and bodybuilders know everything about proteins.Without proteins, they would hardly be able to achieve high sports results and muscle relief.But proteins are used not only to increase muscle mass, but also for weight loss - and quite successfully.Protein diets are effective for getting rid of extra pounds and have been very popular in the world for many years.Where protein is contained, how much of it is needed for weight loss, what are the risks of such diets - read in our article.

Why is protein important in weight loss?

Protein nutrition and metabolism are closely interrelated. Proteins are considered real “gas pedals” of metabolism. It has long been noticed that if a person eats little meat and legumes or refuses to eat such food at all, his weight can “stand still” even if the required caloric content of the diet is maintained. Why does this happen?

The fact is that the body to digest protein is not so easy. It has to spend a certain amount of energy on the digestion process, and it varies depending on which substances are broken down.

For example, the body spends 3 times less energy (10%) to “utilize” carbohydrates and 10 times less energy (about 3%) to digest fats than it does to digest proteins. These numbers are called the “thermic effect of food”.

In addition, metabolism is usually accelerated in people with well-developed muscles, not fat. And without protein, you can forget about relief muscles.

How else does protein affect weight loss? Let's understand what happens with a normal diet. First, the body spends those substances from which it is easiest to get energy - carbohydrates and fats. When they run out - it takes up proteins. But since proteins are needed primarily for other needs (muscle growth, antibody formation, etc.), the body starts to get rid of glycogen and its own fat reserves. In this way, protein is used simultaneously for weight loss and maintenance of muscle mass.

As mentioned above, protein food is indispensable for weight loss, because it forces the body to use up its own fat reserves. All protein diets are based on this principle. The most popular of them are:

  • Dukan diet;
  • Atkins diet;
  • High Protein Diet;
  • Whey Protein Diet.

The Dukan diet is very popular because it allows you not to limit portion sizes and eat whenever you want - even at 3 am. However, as usual, there is one “but”. Without restrictions, you can use only products rich in protein, and the number of fats and carbohydrates in the diet should be seriously reduced.

TheDukan diet consists of 4 phases:

  • attack - only protein food is allowed;
  • alternation - vegetables are introduced into the diet, and protein days alternate with protein-carbohydrate days;
  • consolidation - carbohydrates and fats are introduced in limited amounts;
  • stabilization - normal diet with one “pure protein” day per week.

TheAtkins diet is similar to the “Dukandiet.” It is more correctly called a low-carbohydrate diet, since the diet contains not only proteins, but also fats. However, it is protein that remains an important component of the “proper diet for weight loss”.

High Protein Diet allows a small consumption of carbohydrates and moderate consumption of fats. Proteins should account for at least 30-40% of the diet. High-protein products for this diet - lean meat, fish, eggs, also used additional additives - protein cocktails.

Diet based on whey protein is very popular among athletes and bodybuilders. Like the High Protein Diet, it suggests emphasizing high protein foods and protein/protein shakes containing easily digestible whey protein, but greatly restricts fats and carbohydrates.

The main benefits of protein diets are:

  • acceleration (“acceleration”) of metabolism;
  • increase the feeling of satiety and reduce the risk of “breakdown”, overeating;
  • appetite control;
  • preservation of muscle mass - this is important for those who want not only to lose weight, but also to maintain an attractive figure. Important! Preservation of muscle is also necessary because muscle tissue consumes more calories even at rest (basal metabolic rate increases);
  • stabilization of blood glucose levels - unlike carbohydrates, proteins do not cause sudden fluctuations in glycemia and avoid sudden bouts of hunger;
  • reducing cravings for carbohydrates - more specifically, for sweets;
  • maintaining a stable energy level;
  • elimination of excess fluid (this is the basis for the effect of rapid weight loss in the first few days);
  • flexibility in the choice of products - the source of protein can be both animal and vegetable food;
  • prevention of weight gain after weight loss - proteins avoid the “yo-yo” effect that scares off many people who want to lose weight.

The “yo-yo” effect is a cyclical change in body weight (weight gain - weight loss). Constant weight fluctuations indicate an improperly selected diet and eventually lead to pronounced metabolic disorders, as well as an increase in adipose tissue stores.

Compiling a “protein diet”, you should not forget about the variety of food - few people can last at least a month on chicken breasts. But the main thing is to correctly calculate the minimum daily amount of protein products for weight loss.

How much protein is needed for weight loss?

The daily protein requirement for an “average” moderately active person is 0.8 g/kg body weight. For gaining muscle mass, it is recommended to consume 1.2-3.1 g/kg - depending on the intensity of training. And for weight loss, the protein content in the diet should vary between 1.2-2.2 g/kg.

Important! Very many people confuse the daily norms of protein and the amount of the product that should be eaten per day. Even in meat, the protein content never reaches 100% - for example, from 100 g of chicken fillet we will get only 18 g of pure protein (less than 20%). It is not difficult to calculate that if you weigh 70 kg, to lose weight you will need 140 g of protein per day, i.e. about 800 g of chicken breasts.

From this follows the rule that we wrote about above - the diet should be varied. To lose weight not only effectively, but also comfortably - you need to use all “protein” sources, including food supplements (for example, protein shakes).

Animal and plant sources of protein

Among all natural sources of protein, animal products lead the way:

  • turkey and chicken;
  • beef and veal;
  • pork
  • fish;
  • egg protein;
  • dairy products (when it comes to protein diet for weight loss, many diets recommend skim milk, cottage cheese, sour cream).

Plant protein is often called incomplete - it is much worse digested and usually does not contain essential amino acids. However, proteins can be obtained from:

  • soybeans;
  • beans;
  • lentils;
  • mung beans;
  • nuts;
  • buckwheat;
  • oatmeal;
  • avocados;
  • bananas;
  • garlic.

Protein supplements for dieting

The main part of protein in most diets comes from food, but sometimes special dietary supplements are also used. They are loved by athletes, bodybuilders, vegetarians and vegans, in addition, they are convenient in “camping conditions”. The most popular dietary supplement is protein in powder form. It can be whey, egg, meat, soy, casein protein is also suitable as a dietary supplement.

Most people prefer whey protein for weight loss - it is very quickly digested, well tolerated, confirmed to be effective and safe, available to everyone.

Important! Although protein supplements are not a drug, before introducing them into a protein diet - consult your doctor. An excess of this substance can significantly harm the body, especially the kidneys. In ancient China there was even a popular “meat execution ‘ - a condemned person was fed only boiled meat (protein), because of which nitrogenous ’slags” quickly began to accumulate in his body, kidneys failed and death came.

Another convenient addition to the protein diet is protein shakes. They perfectly quench the appetite and at the same time contain fewer calories than traditional snacks. A huge advantage of these drinks is the pleasant flavors that help to diversify the protein diet. Cocktails can be drunk for breakfast to keep you feeling satiated for longer or after intense exercise.

Since their composition can vary, you should always pay attention to it. For weight loss, shakes with casein, whey or vegetable protein, which do not contain sugar and simple carbohydrates, as well as low-calorie (no more than 200-300 kcal) are suitable.

How to properly use protein shakes for weight loss:

  • Replace them with regular snacks, when there is no obvious feeling of hunger yet, but the body already requires something to “chew”. In rare cases, a smoothie can even replace a light meal, but the main thing is not to abuse it, because the drink can not be called a balanced diet;
  • drink protein shakes after workouts for quick energy replenishment and muscle recovery;
  • be sure to keep an eye on the calorie content of shakes, so as not to slow down the weight loss process.

How does protein control appetite?

The undeniable benefit of protein for weight loss is that it controls appetite. This happens through the effect of protein on the synthesis of certain hormones.

The body produces a special “hunger hormone” - ghrelin, usually its level rises significantly before a meal. It is this hormone that provides those unpleasant sensations when it seems that you are ready to “eat the bull”. After a protein meal you do not want to eat much longer than after a fatty or carbohydrate meal, and this is due to the fact that proteins slow down the synthesis of a new portion of ghrelin.

Proteins also increase the production of cholecystokinin and glucagonopeptide hormone-1, which slows down gastric emptying and keeps hunger at bay for a long time.

Please note: Proteins take much longer to digest in the GI tract than carbohydrates, so protein diets do not cause blood sugar spikes or increase insulin levels (without which it is impossible to “utilize” the rapidly forming glucose).

The higher the protein content of foods, the more effective they will be in “burning fat”. That is why preference should be given to “high-protein” food - beef, veal, turkey, chicken fillet, salmon, halibut, egg whites.

How to lose weight on protein diets without harming your health?

Protein diets are considered one of the most effective, because proteins can really work wonders and reduce weight in a matter of days. But it is important not to forget two things:

  • rapid reduction of body weight is just getting rid of excess fluid and further the process will slow down;
  • you can not turn a regular protein diet into a mono-protein diet - it will not accelerate weight loss, but will harm your health. Nature invented fats and carbohydrates for a reason - without them, as well as without proteins, the body cannot survive.

Carbohydrates are the main source of energy for the body and “fuel” for the brain, and fats are the health of the nervous, endocrine, reproductive and cardiovascular systems. However, you should give preference not to cakes and steaks, but to slow carbohydrates with a low glycemic index (vegetables, legumes, whole grains) and healthy lipids in the form of polyunsaturated fatty acids (salmon, mackerel, avocado, olive oil, nuts and seeds).

It is very important to moderate your protein intake with food - because “more” in this case does not mean “better”. Excess protein can harm the kidneys, and in people with sensitive digestion cause aggravation of gastrointestinal problems.

Fluid on a protein diet should be drunk more than usual, and it is better to give preference to water or herbal teas (2-2.5 liters per day). The fact is that the breakdown of proteins produces a large amount of nitrogenous compounds - to accelerate their excretion through the kidneys and need fluid.

Please note: protein food with a sharp restriction of carbohydrates can provoke constipation. That's why during weight loss it is very important to supplement your diet with fiber, which stimulates intestinal peristalsis, and at the same time fills the stomach, prolonging the feeling of satiety. A great solution is bran porridge cooked with skim milk.

Also, many people forget that carbohydrate foods (fruits and vegetables) are an important source of antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. Before losing weight with the help of a protein diet, it is better to consult a doctor - perhaps he will advise you to additionally take vitamin and mineral complexes.

Remember about physical activity! Firstly, it is a great way to “burn” extra calories, and secondly - to keep your muscles in the right shape.

And the main thing is that protein nutrition should not be long-term or permanent. Its main tasks are to reduce body weight and adapt the body to a normal balanced diet.

If these simple recommendations are followed, a protein diet will help you lose weight without damage to the muscles and the general condition of the body.

Stay healthy, slim and attractive - together with Liki24!

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